Brand New Samsung Galaxy Note 3 III N9005 32gb White � Factory Unlocked� � International Version

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FACTORY UNLOCKED INTERNATIONALBrand New Samsung Galaxy Note 3 III N9005 32gb White � Factory Unlocked★ International Version Review
We all know that the new Galaxy note 3 is the talk of the town but some people whom want the phone but don't want to get roped into a contract will purchase an unlocked version of the phone. But before you buy the unlocked version their is some information you need to know about the different models of the phone(s). The Galaxy Note 3 was released in many country's on every continent. Although anyone can buy the phone from any country; each model was made to work on different frequencies. In this review I am going to go over each model of the Galaxy Note 3 and the services recommended for use with them.But First everyone may be asking about the Region lock attached to the phones. Yes before the phones are unlocked their are region locks attached to the different models forcing them to only accept SIM cards from their designated country's. But after unlocked the Region locks are removed. Does this mean that all models will work everywhere, no, but I will be going over if the phone will work in your region after the locks are removed in the model descriptions below.
Second the different levels of service. Depending on your area and the service towers available their you will get different letters to indicate service level and the speed you're getting. Below are the most common levels and their average speeds in order for your reference during the Model review.
1. E = EDGE/GSM: When getting this sign you are getting the weakest signal for your phone but are still getting non-roaming signal for general calls and text. I advise if this is your areas mane signal strength you have a Wi-Fi signal avalible for the data internet conection.
2. G = 2G/GSM: When the G is showing you are getting remedial signal but still pretty strong. Calls and Text's will be flawless and you will be able to do general internet surfing but you will not be loading any HD videos or have perfect connection to online only game's. With this I still recommend a Wi-Fi signal in your house if you plan on using the internet in these areas.
3. H = 3G-/HSPA: This signal is classified as 3G but runs a little slower depending on how close you are to the main tower. If you're getting a good amount of bars with signal will do flawless calls, text's, and you'll be able to comfortable able to surf the internet and load videos at a max of 480P (360P recommend for best result).
4. 3G = 3G+/GSM/HSPA: This is the full 3G speed and will be also flawless with calls, text's, and be able to stream video like netflix(Recommended 460P), play online games, and surf the internet fast and easy.
5. H+ = 4G-/GSM/HSPA+: This is the signal that most first generation 4G phones use. Perfect for all light movie watchers, and small business people. Flawless calls, text's, and the internet is speedy. H+ although fast has been known to be faulty in a lot of area's and was quickly replaced. If you've got this signal it's still 4G but it's kind of like the EGDE version of 4G.
6. 4G = 4G/GSM/HSPA+: This is the 4G signal that most 2010-2012 4G phones use such as the Galaxy S series (Sept for the S4) Although this is a very fast and reliable it is not LTE but for the average person whom just watched movies and plays online games on their phone this signal is more than enough to give you a crisp fast feel and load HD movies (720P Recommended but not limited to.)
7. 4G LTE = 4G+/GSM/LTE: This is the current signal that everyone is going after. It is lighting fast and is the most reliable for non-stop videos, gaming, and downloading.
Now for the common phone models:
1. SM-N9000 3G = International/Made for Travelers: This is the international model. This one has a dual quad core processor running at 1.9 GHz Cortex/1.3 GHz A7. The reason for the processor being change is because this phone is meant to work everywhere their is a GSM signal and kicks threw the different processors to maximize signal strength. The N9000 CAN NOT to 4G speeds of any kind. This is due to most country not having 4G signal and that a lot of county's run on different cell frequencies. By removing the 4G radios this phone can pick up way more cell frequencies then the other models. This phone is not made for people looking for Data speed this is made for travelers whom want a reliable way to have cell service no matter where they are. Don't despair about the data or processing speed this phone still has Wi-Fi connection available and can breeze though 3D games; you shouldn't even notice a speed difference when doing tasks.
2. SM-N9005 4G LTE = European Model/International: This model contains the regular 2.3 GHz Snapdragon Processor. This phone unless unlocked is Region locked to only European SIM cards, after unlocked their is no region lock. Although this phone is an LTE phone it can only get LTE frequencies while in Europe. When you take this phone out of Europe it will get international signals but will not get LTE, when this phone is in the USA is will get H+ (Reference above) signal maximum.
3. SM-N9002 3G = China Model/Select Counties: This model is not LTE or 4G compatible. This was the First generation of the Note 3 released and is considered the Beta. With all the same hardware as the LTE version this phone will still preform flawless tasks.
4. SM-N900W8 4G LTE = China Model/Select Counties: This model will only get LTE in select counties and I advise you check with your service provider to see what signal you will be getting. This model is completely subjective as to what frequencies of LTE you will be about to get. Example: Imagine you are in Europe and you are in a city and get LTE. Then you move to another city and you lose LTE this is because the first city runs on an LTE frequency the the phone can get but the second city although may offer LTE to most cell phone; does not offer LTE on a frequency this phone can't run on.
5. SM-N900A 4G LTE = USA AT&T/Worldwide: This phone is International but you need to consult AT&T to see if you city or county can get LTE service or not. This phone once unlocked will work on Straight Talk, Solavei, T-Mobile, and any other GSM based network. Note: When using T-Moble, Solavei, or other services that piggy-back on the T-Mobile towers you can get LTE service but depending on your area you may not get 3G. If you live in a 3G area consult your carrier to see is the frequencies for 3G match up with this phone. (This review for the AT&T model can change at anytime due to AT&T's bootloader)
6. SM-N900T 4G LTE = USA T-Mobile: This phone when unlocked can get all USA frequencies. Example: You will have no problems using a AT&T SIM card with this phone and even get 4G LTE threw any service whom provides is. The N900T model is the most versatile model out of them all and if you plan on getting one I recommend going to a T-Mobile store and purchasing this model outright. Unlocking this phone is easily done threw calling T-Mobile and even using YouTube for an unlocking video.
So out of all the models the N900T is the most versatile, but unlike the N900A (The second most versatile) the N900T is harder to find online already unlocked so you will most likely need to buy if from the store and unlock it yourself.
I hope this review has helped with you decision about what unlocked version to buy.
If you have an questions or addition to the review please leave a comment.
Video review of phone Specs and features coming soon.
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